
From attendees and personnel, to contractors and security, entertainment events prioritize crowd-control, access security and site admission logistics as keys to success.

Easy to read, easy to validate, event badges by MNeventbadges offer visual and digital security features and options to verify badge holder access privileges “at-a-glance”.

Event badges may be printed in advance or instantly at the event site with one or a dozen print systems available and can be printed with color codes to distinguish event rolls.

We offer a wide range of complete badge services from free badge design and issuance to badge accessories including custom lanyards and badge holders.


Badge Design Examples

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we distinguish badge holder rolls at our entertainment venues?
During discussions, we identify the number of unique badge holders by role. During registration and print process we integrate pre-planned visual queues (i.e., shapes and colors) that indicate event-goer roles (ie. Stage, VIP, Security, etc) “at-a-glance.”
To enhance security, event organizers often add digital security by programming badge holders photographs onto badge quick-read (QR) codes. Using handheld devices (i.e., mobile phones) event staff can match and verify badge holders face with their digital image.
That answer often relies on the level of risk and security an event organizer is willing to tolerate. While event badges for attendees may not include photos, event staff, contractors and security personnel may adopt use of photos is security sensative locations (i.e., stages, security access points).