Frequently Asked Questions

How many badges can be printed per hour?
One printer system can print up to 300 4″x6″ badges per hour. However we can scale hourly printing with multiple networked systems to meet event print expectations.

It’s a matter of preference. However, larger badges mean larger graphics, text and photos (optional). Larger badges are easier to see and easier validate “at-a-glance”. 6″x4″ sized badges are a common size for outdoor events and festivals.

Yes. We offer advance printing and on-site print options coupling our printers and eVentairTM on-demand print issuance software. Using our mobile and web-based software, attendees can enroll and gain print-issued badges, on-site, on-demand in seconds.

Yes, MNevent badges are waterproof, scratch proof and tear proof. Rain, Sleet or snow will not damage personalizaed worn.

Yes. Its common to print badges with visual color markers that distinguish festival roles at a glance (ie., vend or badges versus stage musician badges).

Yes. We can program and print a QR code link to an event organizers web-page schedule so attendees can access and read with their mobile phone.

Badges worn with clips are an option, especially where sit-down dining may take place. Easy to clip on coat lapels for example.
Yes. In fact, we encourage it. Whether printed in advance, remotely, or at the event itself, photos can be taken and seamlessly integrated onto event badges. Doing so often improves the event experience between patrons and attendees.
Its a matter of preference, though badge layout and desired text options may influence badge size decision. Generally, 3.5”x5” badges is common.
During discussions, we identify the number of unique badge holders by role. During registration and print process we integrate pre-planned visual queues (i.e., shapes and colors) that indicate event-goer roles (ie. Stage, VIP, Security, etc) “at-a-glance.”
To enhance security, event organizers often add digital security by programming badge holders photographs onto badge quick-read (QR) codes. Using handheld devices (i.e., mobile phones) event staff can match and verify badge holders face with their digital image.
That answer often relies on the level of risk and security an event organizer is willing to tolerate. While event badges for attendees may not include photos, event staff, contractors and security personnel may adopt use of photos is security sensative locations (i.e., stages, security access points).
Like entertainment events, spectator sporting events often have many different stakeholders with different rolls and access rights. Creating a map that frames every stakeholder, their access privileges including conditional access is a first-step. That priority lends itself to framing badge designs specific to badge holder rolls.
Through our advance issuance services, we will issue badges using an event organizers .xls or cvv database files. Once printed we batch-mail badge prints to a provided address, securly with tamper-evident packaging.
We establish planning logistics in initial discussion. Our turn-key services account for registrant forecasting and issuance throughout your single or multi-day event.
Yes. Using eVentair™, our mobile issuance software, attendees can self-enroll and self-issue badges upon arrival at events quickly and without waiting in lines to register and receive badges.
Yes. Badges can be re-printed on-site.
Yes. Badges can be re-printed on-site.
Yes. Using eVentair™, our wireless photo-issuance software, photos snapped are printed on site at one of our photo kiosk in a matter of seconds for attendees to retrieve any enjoy.
No. We print and provide a promotional QR code throughout your event venue. Just read the QR code with a standard mobile phone camera and attendees can begin capturing photos and printing memories, instantly.
Yes. Inside or outside, the party will go on!