Frequently Asked Questions
How many badges can be printed per hour?
Is there a standard size badge that's commonly used for worn badges at Festivals?
It’s a matter of preference. However, larger badges mean larger graphics, text and photos (optional). Larger badges are easier to see and easier validate “at-a-glance”. 6″x4″ sized badges are a common size for outdoor events and festivals.
Can we print badges on-site at the registration desk?
Yes. We offer advance printing and on-site print options coupling our printers and eVentairTM on-demand print issuance software. Using our mobile and web-based software, attendees can enroll and gain print-issued badges, on-site, on-demand in seconds.
Are badges waterproof in case it rains?
Yes, MNevent badges are waterproof, scratch proof and tear proof. Rain, Sleet or snow will not damage personalizaed worn.
Can we print badges with different colors to differentiate between badge holder roles at our festival?
Yes. Its common to print badges with visual color markers that distinguish festival roles at a glance (ie., vend or badges versus stage musician badges).
Can we add a custom QR that attendees can refer to see our event schedule?
Yes. We can program and print a QR code link to an event organizers web-page schedule so attendees can access and read with their mobile phone.